Time: Tour starts at 2:00 pm-coordinated with the Trolley/Gallery Tour to greet those exiting the trolley and inform those about to start the next trolley tour. Juried competition and 1st, 2nd, 3rd place winners will be announced at 2:00 under a tent, brochure card for artist led, or self guided tours given out.
The Pawtucket Foundation is working with Art League RI to continue the successful program called Windows on Pawtucket, launched in 2020 with 15 building, 28 artists and over 40 works of art. The storefront public art gallery will delight all that walk, bike, or drive by with its unique, original artwork, on display starting September 12. Tours will be given by the artists themselves and will be on show throughout the year. Please come and see the breadth of talent and diversity in expression by the artists of the Blackstone Valley and entire state of RI.